Our Promise:

We know in any industry, its very easy to make massive statements and huge promises just to try and get traction and notoriety on your business and/or project.

We’ve seen collections promising anything from discounts from high end restaurants as long as you’re a holder to guaranteed monthly ETH return (oh please!)  

Obviously these are just hollow promises to try and get the initial sell out on the collection and then you can go to ground as you’ve made a quick quid!

We’ve got (well we feel) one of the best unique roadmaps to date, which not only gives us longevity for traders and collectors, but a good future to become one of the most popular NFT collections to date.

As Uncle Ben (and Aunt May---- RIP!!) say… with great power, comes great responsibility, we PROMISE to put a portion of our profits AND our passive creator earnings back into our believed country sides across the UK (starting with our home turf of Devon) 

Then moving out into more built-up areas, bringing awareness, education and experience to school children about home planting, vegetables and the important of wildlife. 

Promise 1 – Each time we sell an initial 1000 NFT’s we will plant 100 trees – (1000 in total)

Promise 2 – We will donate 5% of the initial sale of all our NFT’s (25 ETH – circa £66,000.00) to registered charitable wildlife functions along with volunteer centres and education centres.

Promise 3 – We will donate 5% of our passive income every 90 days to registered charitable wildlife functions along with volunteer centres and education centres FOEVER MORE!!!!!

Promise 4 – The above statement is true for future collections from Club Foxxed.